How Unauthorized Purchases made into the Pubgm By Hackers

Recently, the Pubg Mobile Operations Team has taken a Notice on to the Unauthorized purchases into the game, and many more sites are giving free UC. They are getting more complaints about it.
Image result for pubg uc buy

While we play the Pubgm, we have faced lots of glitches and problems, and you all know about hackers who interrupt our gameplay. The PubMed Mobile operations team has analyzed that people are buying the UC from Unauthorized websites.

The main motive of this post is the regular players who play the game without buying Royale pass or anyone who cannot afford much money for buying Royale Pass.

That people are getting attracted to this type of site that site will provoke you by telling that they give free UC for the game. More people have lost their money in this type of scams you will pay, but there will be no response from them after spending them. There will be no UC nothing.
But there is more you have to know that you will lose. Last year in 2019, the people who have lost their Some amount of money also lose l their access to the main account, which they register with like sign in with google and details of their credit card numbers.

So the main question is how the hackers are getting access to the accounts??

While I was trying to research into it that there are two methods which hackers are using:

  1. While we visit any of the websites like Quora, there are two options. Continue with Google and Sign with Email. The main action begins when we click into the opportunity to continue with google this wrong method to login to any type of website in that we give access to the site to check our data From that they get access to the account.
  2. When we visit this type of scam websites, we have to login or make a new account with email id and password, and they also ask us to enter personal details like our Mobile number and much more. From that, they predict our primary account id and password.

In the Pubg official post, they told us to not use such types of websites for buying UC Use only there payment method in the game which they have given.

Here is the  PubgM Offical post  if you want to read: Pubgmnews 

  1.  PUBG MOBILE offers many verified ways to make UC purchases. Therefore UC purchased through unauthorized services is not protected, and PUBG MOBILE is not responsible for any disputes.
  2. Unauthorized services are likely to scam players, resulting in problems including but not limited to: loss of the account, not receiving UC after purchase, and even illegal use of bank cards.
Purchasing through unauthorized service is in direct violation of the PUBG MOBILE user agreement, and may result in loss of all illegal purchases and/or account ban, depending on severity.
Please use verified purchase methods to avoid these issues.